Peter Upfold DevDocs

Developer documentation for Peter Upfold’s projects

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Documentation Archived

This documentation is archived and is no longer actively maintained.



  • 1.0 — PHP 4 support dropped, switched over to Perl regular expressions for forwards compatibility, ability to show posts only in a specified date range, ability to show posts only matching a certain search term, support for stripping links from WPGet’s output. Bump to version 1.0!
  • 0.8 - updated to support WordPress Categories in the new format (2.3.x, 2.5.x and up) and also support WordPress Tags since 2.3 or later. Fully tested with WordPress 2.5.1. Minor updates to Installer.
  • 0.7 - reworked Installer, multiple performance improvements, single post support, mature category mode, WordPress 2.2 and 2.3 support
  • 0.6 - major new version! New one-click Config Tool, less copying and pasting, new date format and credit controls plus a (beta) category-controlled mode
  • 0.5.2 - PHP 4 support - now no longer causes an error when running in a PHP 4 environment
  • 0.5.1 - update to the usability of the config tool to make it clear about what exactly you need to copy and paste. Perhaps it wasn't so 'Easy!' after all…
  • 0.5 - major new features and functionality. We now have the option of stripping images, embeds and JavaScript and a new Config Tool to generate all the code for you. Easy!
  • 0.4 - minor fix to the image and embed stripping code - now it will remove images and embeds from posts even if the image/embed isn't at the start of the post. The cause was a slightly wrong regex.
  • 0.3 - fixed an issue where if you drafted a post, subsequently published a different post, then published the draft one, the posts would appear in the wrong order (changed the order of results fetched from MySQL to post_date not ID)
  • 0.2 - first recorded version, newly added image and embed stripping and a link back to me at the end of the output (optional of course!)
wpget/changelog.txt · Last modified: 2011-12-03 10:28:55 (external edit)