WPGet Installer

Please note: This is a public usable version of the WPGet Installer. I do not store or retain any information entered using this program (including database details and passwords). While there is a very small risk of your details being intercepted when travelling over the web to this tool, that risk is no more than logging into a standard FTP server.

If you are still, understandably, concerned about your details and passwords, you can download a copy of this installer and run it on your own server (all it needs is PHP).

Time to set up your page

Here, we're going to set the options to use on our page where we want the posts to show up (e.g. index.php). Once you've filled in this form, you'll be given a tiny snippet of code to copy and paste.

Basic options

These options set the location of wpget.php relative to your web page and your basic options.

Post content

The following options define what extra content in your blog posts will be included in WPGet's output.


Advanced features

Choose a feature to enable it and then choose your options for that feature.

Problems? Suggestions? Get in contact or visit the WPGet project page.

Copyright © 2006-2010 Peter Upfold. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 3) as published by the Free Software Foundation, or, at your option, the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (version 3) as published by the Free Software Foundation. This version of the installer is brought to you with a sprinkling of unicorn tears.