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New computer

I finally now have a dedicated box I can use as a server. Specs follow:

  • AMD Sempron 2600+
  • 512 MB RAM
  • (at the moment) 8 GB HDD (will be upgraded at some point)
  • SUSE Linux 10 (will be Fedora 5 when it comes out)

It’s going to be great to finally be able to test out stuff not on my primary machine and to constantly install and then reinstall Linux distros etc.

Can’t wait…

UPDATE: Just upgraded the RAM to 1.5 GB for all those VMware Virtual Machines. See the photos below of the insides.

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  1. B wrote:

    Fedora, when you have seen SUSE 10?

    strange, I only see people switching from FC to (SL10)

    Saturday, March 4, 2006 at 11:58 | Permalink |
  2. Peter wrote:

    Yes, well, being fairly new to Linux I’ve never tried Fedora (or any of the previous Red Hats) before. I think it’s worth giving it a try.

    And I’ll still be using SUSE 10 on my main workstation system, and I still plan to use SUSE in the future. In fact my workstation will be upgraded to SUSE 10.1 when it comes out.

    I think SUSE has been getting some good press recently, and that has helped with it being widely used as a distribution by many new people. And it is a very good distro, after all it converted me to Linux…

    Monday, March 6, 2006 at 20:20 | Permalink |

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  1. […] Yesterday I decided to install SUSE 10.1 (again), but this time on my server/development computer to use as a Linux software development installation. Now I’ve done bits and pieces of Visual Basic.NET on Windows, but I never really quite got into it like PHP. […]