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I hate unreliable hard drives

My first 160 GB hard drive (made by Maxtor, for the record) just messed up again and it’s essentially decided that there’s no boot sector on it.

Now this has happened many times before, so I’m not too worried for the data. Usually, you just switch the PC off for an hour or so and it works again. Needless to say, I’ll be backing everything up asap (if I can boot back in, that is). I also have last month’s backups from about the 13-18th – can’t remember exactly. Why is it that they never fail right after a backup??

So I’m bringing you this post from my server/development machine, which is, ironically, running second-hand hard drives thrown around from machine to machine until they made it here.

Oh, and we have a 75 MHz Pentium 1 lying around here that has hard drives that are probably close to or even over 10 years old. Those hard drives (1.2 GB and 800 MB HDs) are still running without a hitch. I suppose it’s the high capacities that bring the low reliabilities…

This Maxtor is a couple of years old, by the way – and a replacement for the first one I got, which was so faulty Windows wouldn’t install.

OK, rant over.

EDIT: About 30 minutes later, it boots fine, and I start backing up. Sigh.

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