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My new (beta) homepage

It’s here. After some time of actually finding a free moment in which to do this, finding the strength to carry on despite my apparent inability to understand the stylesheet of this WordPress theme and finding the strength to avoid having an anti-Microsoft week following IE’s refusal to correctly render some of my tweaked CSS, it is here.

What am I talking about? Well, as you might have noticed, this blog is on Not just There was a reason, and this is it.

My homepage. It’s amazing to think how long I have been doing web design/development and still I haven’t actually ever had a homepage of my own, only a blog. So I built it and integrated it with the blog and used the WordPress style to help me a bit.

I’ll stop rambling and let you see it – my new shiny homepage.

What do you think? (I know, there’s an annoying message, but it can’t be called finished yet, can it? And “Peter Upfold Beta” sounds a bit too Web 2.0)

I guess one of the reasons I haven’t had a homepage per se up until now was lack of content. Website without content is a rubbish website, and eventually my homepage will have my blog, projects and scripts and stuff and various other content (“Me around the web” will get bigger) until it is in a state where it can be called 1.0.

Well, I’ll keep you posted on the upgrades as and when they happen, and any feedback is greatly appreciated.

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