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Linux working, Windows misbehaving

Well, it’s certainly taken me a while – I’ll grant you that, but at least now SUSE Linux 10 is back online. I’ve installed Apache 2.0.54 and a PHP 4 version included with SUSE 10, so I avoid compiling myself and once again causing the partition table problem. SUSE 10 works, it works well, and I even found an RPM for Firefox 1.5, so I’m fully upgraded and operational.

Windows, however, is plagued with a choppy sound, plus still the disappearing mouse trouble from my last post. I’m working on a solution with the guys at (thanks guys, you rock), but until then it looks like MS Office doesn’t work. Sad face

Ah well, at least I can continue webdev finally (on Linux, naturally). I am adding a user logon auditing system to Project Krystal. Speaking of which, the build on the Buttons site is now v0.5.2.

Let’s hope Windows starts working soon.

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