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Merry Christmas and a Hybrid New Year

Hello everyone, and before I start proper – Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all (if anyone does read this, that is). It’s Christmas Eve, so don’t expect a blog post tomorrow, people.

You may have noticed that in this post’s title I have substituted the word ‘Happy’ for ‘Hybrid’, and there is a very good reason for this. I have relaunched my Hybrid Web Services site with an all-new look and the latest Project Krystal build, version 0.6a. There’s a tiny bit of info on Project Krystal here, along with my RSS Generator (which is in its next version now, having cleared up a few minor issues).

Well, there’s not much else dev-wise I’ve been doing, today I was pretty much just skinning Project Krystal to Hybrid’s requirements and making it look integrated with the whole Hybrid look. Well, I did rediscover a gaming classic (and found a patch to make it run on Windows XP) – Worms 2. It rules. See you soon.

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