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Ernest Wojciuk wins the award and related news

Just a quick post to congratulate Ernest Wojciuk, whose class PHP Email to DB won the September 2006 PHP Classes innovation award.

I’m still amazed that I got nominated, though. Thanks again and I still love the nomination badge!

In other WPGet news, there’s a slightly new version (download here or at PHP Classes) which includes a minor fix to the image and embed stripping code – now it will remove images and embeds from posts even if the image/embed isn’t at the start of the post. The cause was a slightly wrong regex.

UPDATE: Also it seems the WordPress Italy blog [translated] have featured WPGet. Thanks!

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  1. Chris wrote:

    Congrats on the nomination and sorry about the loss! I voted for you (twice I think… oops!)

    Monday, October 2, 2006 at 22:16 | Permalink |
  2. Peter wrote:

    Thanks, and I really wasn’t expecting to win at all, so I’m not disappointed at all. Thanks for your vote(s)!

    In other quick news, we will be seeing new features in WPGet hopefully very soon!

    Tuesday, October 3, 2006 at 10:45 | Permalink |

One Trackback/Pingback

  1. […] When I posted back in October about the results of the PHP Classes Innovation Awards, they were actually the results of the August 2006 award, not the September one where WPGet was entered (congrats anyway, though, to everyone who was nominated!). […]