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Calling WPGet users – your feedback wanted!

Well, I know at least one user of WPGet, but consider this the official place for suggestions and comments.

A few things I’d like the people to vote about!

  • More frequent releases with less features or larger gaps with more juicy features?
  • What features do you want in the next major version?
  • Tell me – what’s good, what sucks and what you want to see.
  • If you want to contribute to the development effor or help spreading the word to site owners, I’d love some help!
  • Anything else related.

Here’s a quick summary of the new features pencilled in for the next major version and how they’re doing:

  • Updated Config Tool with one-click config – partially done
  • Custom date/time formatting with easy implementation – pretty much finished
  • Credit and link back to me can be switched off at runtime (now no longer a global change) – finished, subject to testing
  • Better documentation and explanation – not started yet

All the features above are subject to potential changes and the listing of a feature here does not mean it will necessarily make it into the next or any release!

Neither do I have an estimated release date – it really depends on how much time I get to dedicate to this project. I will keep you posted on progress, as ever, on this blog.

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