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Announcing SleekTabs

Today it’s time for me to release another bit of open source goodness to the world. This one’s taken a little longer than expected to arrive, but it’s here.

It’s called SleekTabs, and it’s a PHP class that makes it really easy for you to create tabbed interfaces in HTML with full Ajax capabilities. With just a few lines of code, you can easily make a nice tabbed web page. Particularly useful for user preferences pages in web applications, or anywhere else that you want to emulate the tabbed interfaces of the desktop application world.

It’s released under the BSD Licence – so you can hack it to your heart’s desire and you can use it pretty much where you want without many restrictions. Of course, if you do make any particularly useful changes I’d very much appreciate that you also let others see the source code, but I’m not making it a requirement this time round.

It will be on PHP Classes within the next week hopefully (the approval process takes time), so that should also get it to a wider audience!

Without further ado, please visit the project page here on my site, where you’ll find downloads and more explanation.

As always, feedback is desired, so let me know what you think and of course what I can add for the next version when that rolls around!

(Quick unrelated update – WPGet 0.7 is also taking a bit longer than expected, but it is still in the works, so watch out for that coming pretty soon too.)

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One Comment

  1. benjamin ortuzar wrote:

    Hi peter, can you add some flash video example or screenshots to see how slick tabs work. thanks

    Monday, April 9, 2007 at 13:25 | Permalink |

One Trackback/Pingback

  1. SleekTabs now in PHP Classes :: Blog :: Peter Upfold on Tuesday, April 10, 2007 at 22:17

    […] I’ll add this link to the page on my site tomorrow. Also, I’ll have a play around and try and make a screencast explaining how to work with it, as per Benjamin’s suggestion. […]

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