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Nano vs Touch

I’m thinking. And thinking hard. I’m enticed by both the iPod Nano and the iPod Touch. I’m going to almost definitely buy one of them soon, but I’m not sure which one.


So here’s an über brief list of advantages for both.


  • £70 cheaper for 8 GB.
  • Smaller (good, but also easier to lose).
  • Choice of colours.
  • Still does video, Cover Flow (albeit not quite as well).
  • More space because less complex OS, so more space for media.


  • Bigger – bigger screen.
  • Awesome operating system, platform and interface.
  • Wifi – Safari, YouTube; the real web wherever you can scrounge a connection. In your pocket.
  • Cover Flow much smoother – interface much better than Nano.
  • SDK coming soon means a platform for building apps on later?
  • Boast factor – make everyone think you have an iPhone 😉

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  1. Huw wrote:

    Another point for the iPod touch: increased desirability for muggers!

    I’d love an iPod touch though, for its browsing/wifi abilities.

    Tuesday, November 6, 2007 at 21:52 | Permalink |
  2. Lee wrote:

    My biased opinion as an iPod touch owner would be to get that. Everything you have said about it is true, and it is just amazing. Plus with the SDK it will no doubt have all the features of the iPhone, minus phone of course. Wifi is excellent when you’re out and about and just want to check something. I was amazed at how many (un)secured networks there are about. Down one smallish street I picked up 6, about 3 were unsecured. The only real faults I can find with it are the lack of 3rd party software/calendar (fixing soon anyway), and the fact that the back can scratch easily, then again thats the same with all models. There’s got to be more good points about it… Of course the fact that it looks like you have an iPhone :P, err, hmm, must be more other posotive things!

    In my opinion: It’s worth the extra £70 (even £140 if you want), the way I looked at it was if someone offered me a touch screen internet tablet device for £70 I’d take it with no second thoughts.

    Tuesday, November 6, 2007 at 22:16 | Permalink |
  3. Jack wrote:

    Huw, any iPod is a desirable for a mugger. If its a Shuffle all the way to an iPhone, its a quick £50.

    Touch all the way. Nano looks great, but Touch offers a brighter future. Many times I’ve needed the net and all I’ve had on me was my phone and an iPod.

    My friend has a Touch, he loves it. His 8gig has 7.3 gig of space. While not as much as much as a Nano, you do have to take in account of the other items your getting.

    Saturday, November 10, 2007 at 10:29 | Permalink |
  4. mat wrote:

    I am also trying to decide if i want the touch or the new 4th generation nano, because the nano is a bit lighter, and i am going to be running with it…. kind of risky with the touch.

    Saturday, October 25, 2008 at 21:51 | Permalink |
  5. dave wrote:

    you can still buy games on a nano like the touch. if you got the cash go 4 the touch, I got the nano, it’s pretty good.

    Saturday, June 20, 2009 at 01:33 | Permalink |
  6. cindy wrote:

    i want the ipod touch so bad, but my parents are pushing me towards the nano. . . . .

    Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 21:18 | Permalink |