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Appeasement is not Acceptable

I have avoided overt political statements on this blog, unless they fell within the sphere of technology and I felt very strongly. 

But this is beyond political. 

I am appalled at my government’s appeasement of Mr Trump. I am appalled at their willingness to do deals with this new US administration.

Through the factually verifiable acts of this new administration (for example, the dismissal of the Attorney General after opposing the president), there is a clear attempt to dismantle checks and balances that are an integral and essential part of a democratic state. There is an obvious contempt for the rule of law. 

Functioning democracies do not behave in this way.

We must not wait for this US administration to start ‘disappearing’ people who lawfully oppose the administration before we act to say, loudly and clearly, that enough is enough

Safeguarding British values (as those values are defined by my government) demands that we condemn and oppose this behaviour.

I demand that my government condemn the Trump administration’s rejection of democratic norms and utilise any and all diplomatic pressure to make this clear.

History will judge us very poorly if we sit around waiting for it to get ‘bad enough’ before we take a stand.

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