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WPGet is now listed in

Big news for anyone who’s been following the development on WPGet (the WordPress integration script for integrating a WordPress blog into your site without building your site from WordPress) as it’s been accepted on

Its project page is here and it’s free and no registration is required to download. Of course, should you wish to register for, you can choose to receive email updates when I publish a new version (I may also blog about new versions, but that’s not guaranteed).

It’s also listed as ‘notable’, which apparently means it’s particularly interesting/important/useful. Not really sure what the significance of being ‘notable’ is yet, but, thanks!

I’ve updated the version on to reflect the changes to the version stored here.


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  1. Chris wrote:

    Congrats! I registred a few weeks ago for some phpBB code so now I can say I know someone with code there 😛 . The emails get annoying though after awhile….

    Wednesday, September 13, 2006 at 23:20 | Permalink |
  2. Peter wrote:


    You can actually control the emails that come through from the control panel somewhere. Only other thing I don’t like is the fact that it shows you local (pah, 60 miles away is local apparently) PHP User Groups every time you login.

    Other than that, great site. Very useful for people like me.

    Friday, September 15, 2006 at 15:01 | Permalink |