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I’m now officially free

Well, I wasn’t not-free before, but as of today my Christmas break officially starts and I have days all to myself – in theory.

With a bit of luck – and provided that there are no unforeseen circumstances, development efforts on Megaphone and Livelocity (I think I’m allowed to say that :P) can accelerate to hopefully full speed.

WPGet is currently on the backburner, but idea suggestions are wanted for the next version.

I’ll obviously still be trying to juggle my time between the two major coding projects, keeping myself sane by messing about installing stuff, breaking stuff, reinstalling stuff and breaking it again and of course trying to not spend too much time on the computer too.

Tomorrow I may be on and off development (or running between rooms) as I’ve got to do a nice, fun Windows XP reinstall on another machine. But considering how long Windows takes to install, don’t be concerned. 😀

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One Comment

  1. Chris wrote:

    Yeah, you can. 🙂 Speaking of, we’re accepting beta applications now (any interested readers?). I have a few folks that I know are interested as well as a few I’ll hit up because I want them to join up, but otherwise… we have to have a site before that can all work itself out!

    I don’t get off for break until Saturday, and even then I only get a week. Stupid New York…

    Tuesday, December 19, 2006 at 00:15 | Permalink |