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International Mac Podcast #222

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It turns out that I have had an unintentional hiatus from podcasting for a number of months.

I’m glad, then, to have broken that with the release of Episode #222 of the International Mac Podcast“Bezos’ Bezels”.

We talked about the state of all things Apple and iOS, speculated wildly about the future of the processors we will find in our Macs and made mention of the titular Amazon CEO’s strategy as compared to Apple.

It is always great to be invited on by Stu and the team and I thank everyone for the great show!

You can listen to the show on this page, download the MP3 file directly and also subscribe in iTunes or via RSS.

I am available for other podcast engagements; I would particularly be interested to talk about Apple, Linux, web development or computer security. Please do get in touch!

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