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Sun to open Java on 15th?

The LXF Team Blog seems to reckon that Sun will officially open source Java in an open source briefing on the 15th, that’s next week. That really is great news – not that Java is somehow a better product open sourced, but opening it up will hopefully allow it to be packaged with most Linux distros and stop GCJ hell (I appreciate the work you do GCJ guys, but nothing beats the Sun JRE for compatibility). That’s presuming that the licence that Sun pick is compatible with the GPL and the big distro guys feel like packaging it as standard.

“On Tuesday 15 August 2006 Sun Microsystems invites you to an open source briefing. We welcome you to join Simon Phipps, Chief Open Source Officer to hear the announcement firsthand.”

Java pre-installed by FC6? Sounds good to me. Should make trying RSSOwl out a lot easier anyway (watch this space for a potential review of said project soon).

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One Comment

  1. Chris wrote:

    I heard rumours awhile back that it’d be under a crappy license though… hopefully they GPL it.

    Tuesday, August 8, 2006 at 20:29 | Permalink |