I’m really sorry about the title. Coding for too long* makes me go crazy.
Anyway, as you might have guessed, it was about time for another Megaphone source release, and here it is. The offending messy code has been eliminated for now, and I’ll add it back and and tidy it up when necessary.
Instructions for installation are in the archive in the INSTALL file (Windows users should open the .DOS.TXT files, as they are Notepad-friendly).
The archive includes the current PHP source, .htaccess files for mod_rewrite (required!) and a database skeleton SQL file.
Let me reiterate – Megaphone is not ready for the prime-time. It’s pre-alpha, pre-release, in development software. It has a tendency to eat your pets if you upset it. 😛
All the relevant stuff is in the archives available at the project page.
As ever, it’s released under the GNU General Public License, making it freely distributable and all that open source stuff. Share your code!
* Well, it’s been 6pm until 10pm last night, about an hour this morning and 4pm to 7pm this evening. But it’s awesome and I really do love doing it. It’s probably good thing the only thing I really do is tech…
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