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New Beginner’s Linux Printable Guide – Installing Software on Ubuntu

Just a quick post to cross-post the fact that I’ve just put out a new printable guide, designed for Linux beginners which details installing software on Ubuntu.

It’s posted at FOSSwire – here’s where you’ll find it.

The idea is to bridge the knowledge gap for the person literally just starting out with Linux. Installing software is one of the big areas where there are differences, so this double sided guide covers that.

Fedora 9 Install Fail

The one time I actually go for installing a distro on a physical, real computer, rather than in my MacBook-powered Parallels virtual machine environment, it won’t work.

In attempting to install Fedora 9, Sulphur, on standard PC hardware (than runs Fedora 8 just nicely), I’m getting this after choosing to install from the DVD as the package source:

Fedora Installer reports no CD or DVD in the drive

Admittedly, I haven’t yet checked the image checksum (I usually do before burning), so I’ll do that when I get back tonight and see if I can get to the bottom of the problem.

Ultimately, I’ll have to fall back to Parallels.

Scheduled maintenance

My server (and subsequently this site) is going to be down tomorrow between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM GMT, for scheduled maintenance. Basically a clear out the cobwebs (which is scarily literal) job, and the opportunity to double-check that everything hardware-wise is hunky-dory. Also I’ll be doing a couple of special backups so I have even higher levels of redundancy, while I get the opportunity of the server being down.

See you on the other side.

UPDATE: Completed successfully, and I didn’t break anything.