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Adventures in ETW: “Slow Comment”

I am a great admirer of the work of Bruce Dawson on Event Tracing for Windows, UIforETW and his blog posts on using ETW to track down all sorts of weird and wonderful issues.

I also found Bruce’s training videos on the subject, despite the videos knocking on the door of being a decade old, to be very useful.

I was delighted to have a recent opportunity to practise my own skills in this area, following Bruce’s lead!

The Symptom

The end user was experiencing delays of between several seconds and about half a minute when saving comments in a Word document. Choosing to Insert the comment was fine and when typing the comment, Word also behaved normally. Press Save, however, and Word’s UI would hang for somewhere between a few and 30 seconds.

Yep, sometimes half a minute for each comment being saved!

In a document that required a lot of comments, this was dramatically slowing the user’s work.

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