I’ve been fortunate this week to have a little time to work on Total Slider, my (and Van Patten Media’s) open source WordPress plugin for making those neat little slideshow things, like so:
I have been meaning to get to this project again for a while, so it is great to get a moment or two to give it the love and attention it deserves.
My focus thus far has been on a complete overhaul of Total Slider’s data storage format — away from using wp_option
records and using a custom post type.
This change is not only the right thing to do to clean things up and follow best practices, but it opens doors to other neat features that will make Total Slider feel like it fits into the WordPress Way even more. Without making undeliverable promises, I’d love to see automatic saving of slide drafts make it into 2.0! 😉
One of the things I have found that is pleasing is that much of the code I have already written is sufficiently abstracted that ripping out the fundamentals of the data format has been a lot less painful than it could have been!
It is nice as well to use this blog for one of its original purposes, to give updates on the projects I am working on. 🙂
You can follow progress in the unstable branch on the project’s GitHub page.