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The end of an era

As my friend Jamie put it:

Well that’s it then. Done. Finished.

School, or at least school as we know it, going in every day for lessons has come to an end. Now, just the small matter of exams to attend to. Only two next week, but nevertheless, I can’t guarantee frequency of posts (or even whether I’ll be doing anything interesting).

But after the 22nd June, I will do some serious web development and do more messing with operating systems. Maybe getting a network connection in OpenSolaris or maybe getting Gentoo to sit there and compile itself for hours. Provided my hard drives don’t die.

Wow, that’s it. That really is it. No more lessons, not in school anyway. Any of my friends reading this, then whoo, I actually have readers. Anyone else, you probably know the feeling of leaving somewhere that you’ve been for a long time.

Here’s to the future.

Last ever day of school tomorrow

The title says it all. Apart from exams, tomorrow will be my last day at school ever. Ever. As in, the final countdown. (No singing please.)

So exams will start next week before a bit of a break, so I’m really not sure about how much web stuff will get done or whatever.

Whatever happens, read the latest tech news – you know you want to, especially since I write some of that.

Really busy

I apologise for the lack of updates, but I’m really busy at the moment – the exam season is coming.

Until the exams are over, updates won’t be very frequent, but I’m planning to blog about the release of SUSE Linux 10.1 on Thursday. It’s going to be grrrr-r-eat.

See you soon.