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MacBook contents backed up and frozen, awaiting Leopard

So I’m officially ready for Leopard.

The entire Macintosh HD volume has been backed up (60 GB of sparseimage!) and frozen (I’m not touching it in terms of saving anything important) and I’m ready for my shiny Leopard disc to arrive to do an erase & install and then copy selectively the good stuff back.

Now we just hope UPS decide to deliver it tomorrow morning not evening (or worse, later than tomorrow!). Go on UPS, make me happy.

Kubuntu Gutsy

I downloaded it when I came in this evening and I’m just finishing prepping to clean install it over Feisty (7.04), which is currently my primary operating system on my desktop PC.

I’m choosing to do a clean install because it’s about time my KDE preferences and everything else for that matter were cleaned out and I started afresh.

October really is turning out to be operating system month – less than 8 days now until I’ll be upgrading myself to Leopard on the MacBook; provided everything ships in time.

So – here goes Gutsy!


I’m gravitating back to it. After a while of using Zooomr, and since what has happened since Mark III, it really isn’t fulfilling my needs; stuff still feels broken, the upload page doesn’t work at all on Firefox on Linux and to be honest, I much prefer how the Mark II architecture worked.

So, back to Flickr I go.

My old account is junked up with rubbish, so I’ve actually gone onto a fresh Yahoo account and created a new Flickr account using it. From now on, you’ll find all my new photos and stuff on my Flickr.

Which is:

And my profile is:

Feel free to friend me and all that stuff – I’m too lazy, so come and find me and add me. 🙂

I’ll be needing somewhere to stick the unboxing photos of Leopard. Not that there’s an awful lot of unboxing involved, but I’m not going to break the tradition now, am I? 😉

I wants me some Leopard

Leopard image

The question is – do I venture to Southampton to buy it from the Apple Store proper, or do I buy it online and get it shipped to my door?

Considering I’ve never bought anything in a real physical Apple retail store yet, I’m tempted to head down there if I can and go pick up a copy in person. Either way, Leopard looks pretty cool and I’m definitely interested in grabbing a copy for my over-6-month-old MacBook. :O

UPDATE: I pre-ordered it yesterday. Should be here on release day apparently.

Because everyone loves a little database humour

WPGet 0.7 is (finally) released

After a significant development hiatus, I am very pleased to announce the immediate release of WPGet 0.7!

So in case you sort of forgot what it is after all this time, or for any newcomers to WPGet, here’s what it does. WPGet is a script that is designed to allow you to include a short summary of your recent blog posts on your website. Specifically, it works with WordPress and is great for integrating a WordPress blog into a site that isn’t completely powered by the WP platform.

You can see a great example of WPGet in action on my homepage. The sidebar on the right includes a brief summary of what’s on this blog. That is, in essence, what WPGet does (although it is fully customisable for what you want to do).

So enough introduction (you can read more of that sort of thing at the project page), let’s take a look at what’s new for 0.7:

» Read the rest of this post…


Unfortunately… there’s no way I’m getting one.

It’s an awesome device with some amazing features and some really really nice applications, but I’m not going to get one. Primarily my reason is I don’t spend anywhere near £35 a month on my phone (and I couldn’t afford to right now anyway). The minimum O2 contract length is 18 months at a minimum of £35 a month.

Let’s do a little maths – £35 * 18 is £630. Plus £269 for the device itself. That’s a grand total of £899. Minimum spend.

Sorry, no iPhone unboxing photos from me, I’m afraid.

Minor site updates

I’ve made some changes to the copy on the homepage and some other pages to keep it updated with new stuff I’m doing and to make it more concise.

This blog is suffering again, but the time I have to do it is virtually non-existent.

About time!

Google Reader finally has a search box, but more importantly, actually tells you how many items are left to read if there are more than 100.

Previously, you’d just get the extremely descriptive 100+ which didn’t really give you a realistic estimate of how much reading there was to do.


It is about time!

I’m back

I am officially back from the Lake District. Well, actually, I was back on Saturday, but as always I’ve jumped straight back into all sorts of stuff and haven’t got round to updating this blog yet. Had a good time up there – did lots of walking, seeing things and just generally spending time with the family and getting away from things. Wasn’t completely unplugged, got some (expensive) wifi while I was there for a couple of hours over the week.

Actually I had re-enabled my Zooomr photos in the sidebar of my site (on all pages except blog pages). It now works as the feeds from Zooomr which got lost during the transition to the new Mark III version of the site have reappeared.

Unfortunately, I’ve decided to take them off again. Even with Magpie caching (I have a neato Magpie RSS-based parsing solution for the feed to make the photos appear on the sidebar), it slowed down the site loading times to an absolute crawl, so I’ve disabled it.

If I get time, I might redo it and do the Magpie execution via cron, store the results in a static file and just read that at runtime. But that is a big if. For now, no photos!

FOSSwire is doing amazingly well. We’re on track to hitting a very significant visitor number milestone (not telling you exactly what just yet!) by the end of this month, so right now we’re doing a massive push to get as much content in the next few days as possible.

College starts again soon – which means even less time for all this stuff, unfortunately. I have to go in on Thursday and do the whole re-enrol and all the admin tasks associated with that and then on Monday it’s back to the daily grind. 😛

In the meantime, I’ll try and keep this blog a little more frequently updated – but no promises!