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Go PHP 5

Go PHP 5 logo

I love PHP. More specifically, I love PHP 5. All the web development I do is in the latest stable version of PHP 5, and this server also runs the latest and greatest PHP as well to bring you all the stuff here.

A lot of web hosts and systems still run on the much older PHP 4 however. Frankly, it’s about time we all moved into 2007 and moved over to PHP 5. It’s too late/early for me to eloquently go into all the details, but the point is, PHP 5 is better and is where the future of PHP is.

That’s where comes in. It’s a campaign to kick start people into moving into PHP 5. I’m fully behind this and encourage everyone else to put pressure on developers, hosts and users to start thinking about moving to PHP 5 if they haven’t already.

Anyway, it’s pretty late, so I’m off to bed (to start full time Vaveo development as of tomorrow).

[via Jacob Peddicord’s awesome looking redesigned Drupal blog (aka Code Chunk for the rest of us)]

FeedBurner Pro stuff is now free

This news is pretty cool – all of FeedBurner’s Pro features are being rolled out across all accounts for free. Clearly, Google don’t need the money and have a different business model in mind – people’s data.

Still, I’ve enabled ProStats and am looking forward to using the MyBrand feature (so I can pop my feeds onto in due course). You have to email them to enable that, so I’m still waiting for a response.

Pretty cool features to have for free though. Don’t worry, we’re working on them for FOSSwire too! Well, I’m not, but other people are. 🙂

Skitch invites

I have 5 Skitch invites. If anyone wants one, drop a comment. 🙂

Don’t put your email address in the body of your comment, just put it in the email address field then I can see it but not the spambots.

UPDATE: all gone!

It’s the weekend again

First of all, sorry for my lack of posting. I’ve been really busy trying to work on Vaveo (which is coming along very nicely), trying to keep up a post a day on FOSSwire (and pretty much managing it too) and of course trying to keep up with life too. 😉

That means my personal blog here has had to suffer over the last few weeks, so if you were expecting lots of awesome content here, try here instead.

Over the past month and a bit, we have literally gone from nothing on Vaveo to where we are now, where we have a significant number of features done. There are still features left to do, and lots of testing to do and bugs to squash, but I’m really happy that we are getting there and making very good progress considering I’m not even able to do this full time at the moment. By this time next weekend, it should be full time, though.

It is the weekend now, so I get a little more time (I don’t stop working on Vaveo, however, but I don’t do full days either or I’d go mad!) and hopefully get to catch up with stuff. Like this blog. 🙂

Funny IM conversation

An IM conversation a little earlier today:

Chris Van Patten: drupal 6 is going to be preinstalled with openid support
Peter Upfold: awesome
Peter Upfold: when is it out?
Chris Van Patten: soon, i hope… i have to digg up the email
Peter Upfold: digg lol
Peter Upfold: ;D
Chris Van Patten: hahahaha
Chris Van Patten: wow i can’t believe i did that
Peter Upfold: that’s what the web does to you 😛

Also posted on Chris’s Tumblr but I wanted to repost it here too. 😉

My prize arrived

I recently won the PHP Classes Innovation Award for SleekTabs.

You do get a prize for winning, selectable from several generous corporate sponsors. I chose an O’Reilly book of choice, which happened to be MySQL Cookbook.

It arrived today, shipped all the way from California.

Massive thanks to O’Reilly and all the other sponsors and of course to the PHP Classes site for the recognition I have been given by this award. SleekTabs will hopefully get some well-needed dev attention pretty soon. 😀

Thanks again, everyone!

Firefox open all new window links in new tabs

Thanks to Preferences dialogue regression in Firefox 2.0, the option to force all links that would open in a new window to open in tabs instead disappeared. Which is pretty stupid.

Just wiped out my old, bloated Firefox profile on my Kubuntu desktop here and suddenly, horror of horrors, it starts opening new windows instead of new tabs. I can’t use the Preferences dialogue, so… in about:config needs to be set to 3. Someone should make an extension which can change all these preferences that didn’t make the cut to 2.x from the GUI.

All fixed now.

Testing out Skitch

Some screenshots of Vaveo (aka The Project)

The Project, which can now be publicly known as Vaveo (I have no idea how to pronounce that, by the way), is what I have been working really hard on for the past few weeks. Since it all has been very secret up until now, there are some screenshots for the impatient and curious below. 😀

The screenshots below demonstrate only some of what is Vaveo – we’re not giving the whole game away just yet!

» Read the rest of this post…

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